Do you know the importance of checking your hotel fire doors regularly?
Below we will go through the importance of checking your fire doors regularly to prevent the spread of any potential fire in your business.
Inspecting Fire Doors
All fire doors should be inspected every six months. In particular, you should ensure that the following:
- Heat-activated seals and smoke seals are undamaged,
- Door leaves* (a leaf is any door that features a single panel that fills a doorway) are not structurally damaged, excessively bowed or deformed,
- Gaps between the door leaf and the frame are not so small as to be likely to bind or so large as to prevent effective fire and smoke sealing,
- Hanging devices, securing devices, self-closing devices and automatic release mechanisms are operating correctly.
Subject to a risk assessment and/or legislative/regulatory requirements, it may be considered that such inspection should take place more frequently.
Common Issues
Below you will also see a range of common issues to look out for when checking your fire safety doors. These fire doors play a crucial part in your building fireproofing plan and are strategically placed throughout all buildings to compartmentalise any potential fire. If these are not inspected regularly, they could lead to a significant incident from a fire.
In each business, it is a good idea to have a competent person in the tasks that need to be completed to ensure that the fire doors are in good working order. They should undertake training in the maintenance of these fire doors if they require fixing; so they can complete the task at hand swiftly to ensure they aren’t putting the rest of the building at risk in the event of a fire.
Disclaimer: This document is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute legal/fire safety advice. Each premise should review its procedures individually or seek out the advice of a Fire Safety Professional.
What you should do now?
Whenever you’re ready we are here … here are 3 ways we can help your hotel transform your fire safety procedure.
1. Claim your Free 60-minute Strategy Session. If you would like to work with us to streamline your business fire safety procedure, claim your FREE Strategy Session. During this session, we will review your current fire safety activities, compare them against industry norms, and create a tailored action plan for the next 90 days and 12 months. This will not only make your hotel a safer place but also empower you as a manager with a solid, actionable plan to implement.
2. If you’d like to learn more about keeping your business safe, go to our blog or visit our resources section, where you can download guides and templates used by hundreds of hotels.
3. If you know someone who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Facebook, or Twitter.